I have been trying in vain to add a video to our blog for a while now, so I have decided that 2011 will be the year to persevere and become more tech savvy! Now, no laughing at Papa's silly audio.
From India With Love...
'The only people who end up without a baby, are the people who give up...Here's to never giving up"
Monday, January 3, 2011
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christmas Celebration & Eight Month Update

The window displays are beautiful and the store is decorated and early in the morning leading up to Christmas there are carolers too. Noah just adored Santa, let's see if we can have a repeat next year and years following this as he grows and becomes more aware of this strange man in a red suit. The above photo was the first one taken by the photographer and NoNo was so happy that he almost pulled Santa's beard off. Being one of Santa's helpers as we all know, his beard wasn't real of course. Only Santa himself has such a long beard and he needs this so he stays nice and warm in the North Pole. Ninna, Daddy and Pappa enjoyed Christmas carols in the Blue Mountains this year. We spent the early evening singing underneath the largest English oak tree in Eastern Australia. We also met with other same sex families in the Blue Mountains for a Christmas dinner and catch up at a restaurant close to home.
The other thing Noddy enjoys is jumping and I mean JUMPING. All the time, be it on the floor, bed, lounge or Papa's lap and I have the bruises on my legs to prove it people. Noah is so very active and loves to move. We are definitely going to have to enrol this boy in some kind of active sport. Tomorrow is New Years Eve and we have a quiet night planned with friends we often catch up with. Noah will be spending the night at Grandma and Poppy's house after months of pleading from Grandma, her wish is granted. We want to end 2010 by wishing everyone 'out there' the very best and pray for healthy pregnancies if you are pregnant, positive results if you're trying to conceive and blessings beyond compare for 2011.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I Should Have Stayed in Bed Today
The east coast of Australia was hit by a major storm this afternoon. MAJOR! The suburb of Penrith near when Johnny works had a whopping 33mm of rain in 15 minutes and the temperature dropped 7 degrees in 10 minutes. From our little travel agent in the mountains we could see the storm rolling in. The sky changed colour again and again as the bright afternoon day turned dark blue, green and black. Thunder, lightening, rain and hail. I am very sad to report that Orlando the Ocean Racer Volvo did not do so well when he went head to head with mother nature this afternoon. I believe that the below will be more than sufficient in detailing our distress at today's events!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Where Is My Contented Baby?
Where oh where has my contented little baby gone? Someone please let me know if you find him.....PLEASE!
Since Noah's birth, Daddy and Papa have been following the contented baby routine by Gina Ford and it has worked a treat for us & Noah. That is, until around six weeks ago when we returned from Melbourne. The weather in Australia this year has been all over the place, unseasonably cold and then hot, cold again, snow today, heat wave tomorrow and since our fateful return flight from Melbourne to Sydney late October, our little man has been the discontented baby. Gina Ford help me! In an ideal world, at just over eight months old Noah's routine should read something similar to the following;
Happily awake in his bed waiting for Daddy or Papa to come down & greet him for the morning. Sing a Disney'esque song whilst changing nappies handed to us by cute little blue birds. This is followed by a morning bottle and 1 weet bix mashed with a little banana. We usually play a little and read a book, then depending on where Noah is spending the day, either madly rush around getting ready for work or laze about in our PJs for a while.
Morning sleep until 10.30am
Awake from our morning sleep and again happily chatting to himself waiting for his parents.
Morning Tea which now consists of 1/4 mango sliced, 3 lychees and a bit of banana
Lunch time bottle and solids (100gms) of what ever I have made the week prior and is in the freezer.
Afternoon sleep until 4.00pm
Awake again waiting for Daddy & Papa with some play time until 5pm when it's time for a bath. We have our dinner (100gms of solid food) around 5.30pm and a night time bottle between 6.15-6.30pm.
Blissfully and peacefully drift off to sleep without crying or distress whatsoever.
The above routine was our reality from three months of age until six months of age with the occasional and I mean very occasional wake here and there. Noah was sleeping through the night and was the picture perfect contented baby. I don't know what happened. From what I hear, what we are experiencing is normal and we simply have to grin and bear it. Below is an idea of 48 hours recently when we visited Great Grandma & Great Pop.
10DEC - 6pm to bed
11DEC - 3am-3.50am awake, screaming and nothing would pacify or soothe him
6am awake for breakfast bottle and solid food
8am-8.30am asleep in the car
10.45am lunch and bottle
11am-1.30pm afternoon sleep
5.30pm dinner and bottle
7.15pm put to bed and cried until 7.50pm eventually giving in to sleep
12DEC - 12.15am / 3.00am / 5.00am waking at different times through the night
6am breakfast bottle and solid food
8.50am-10.20am morning sleep
10.45am morning tea of banana, apple and cinnamon puree
12noon lunch and bottle
2.40pm-4pm afternoon sleep
5pm dinner and bottle
6.40pm-10.30pm asleep in the car on our way home
10.30pm-11.35pm cried and cried. Changed nappy and gave another bottle to
calm and sooth
13DEC - 5.45am awake
Noah is taking 200ml of formula four times a day and each solid feed is around 100-150gms depending on whether or not he is hungry.
It could be teeth, he quite distinctly has two teeth still coming through. Could it be his ears? A friend suggested we take him to the DR to check on his ears as maybe swimming or the pool has given him an ear infection. Turns out that the DR could not see either ear drum as they were blocked with wax - yuck! Papa has not wanted to over clean Noah's ears so they have been getting done once a month, this obviously has to be looked at. So, is it his ears causing discomfort and that is why every time we now lay him in his cot he turns into the devil child? My poor darling, I wish I spoke baby, tell me what is wrong!!! We have been dropping olive oil into his ears twice daily in the hope of softening the wax and we are headed back to the DR tomorrow for a follow up and if there is no improvement I am demanding they do something for him. So perhaps it is simply a combination of teething, sore ears & summer heat causing our angel to be so restless. One glimmer of hope though, he slept through again last night!
Since Noah's birth, Daddy and Papa have been following the contented baby routine by Gina Ford and it has worked a treat for us & Noah. That is, until around six weeks ago when we returned from Melbourne. The weather in Australia this year has been all over the place, unseasonably cold and then hot, cold again, snow today, heat wave tomorrow and since our fateful return flight from Melbourne to Sydney late October, our little man has been the discontented baby. Gina Ford help me! In an ideal world, at just over eight months old Noah's routine should read something similar to the following;
Happily awake in his bed waiting for Daddy or Papa to come down & greet him for the morning. Sing a Disney'esque song whilst changing nappies handed to us by cute little blue birds. This is followed by a morning bottle and 1 weet bix mashed with a little banana. We usually play a little and read a book, then depending on where Noah is spending the day, either madly rush around getting ready for work or laze about in our PJs for a while.
Morning sleep until 10.30am
Awake from our morning sleep and again happily chatting to himself waiting for his parents.
Morning Tea which now consists of 1/4 mango sliced, 3 lychees and a bit of banana
Lunch time bottle and solids (100gms) of what ever I have made the week prior and is in the freezer.
Afternoon sleep until 4.00pm
Awake again waiting for Daddy & Papa with some play time until 5pm when it's time for a bath. We have our dinner (100gms of solid food) around 5.30pm and a night time bottle between 6.15-6.30pm.
Blissfully and peacefully drift off to sleep without crying or distress whatsoever.
The above routine was our reality from three months of age until six months of age with the occasional and I mean very occasional wake here and there. Noah was sleeping through the night and was the picture perfect contented baby. I don't know what happened. From what I hear, what we are experiencing is normal and we simply have to grin and bear it. Below is an idea of 48 hours recently when we visited Great Grandma & Great Pop.
10DEC - 6pm to bed
11DEC - 3am-3.50am awake, screaming and nothing would pacify or soothe him
6am awake for breakfast bottle and solid food
8am-8.30am asleep in the car
10.45am lunch and bottle
11am-1.30pm afternoon sleep
5.30pm dinner and bottle
7.15pm put to bed and cried until 7.50pm eventually giving in to sleep
12DEC - 12.15am / 3.00am / 5.00am waking at different times through the night
6am breakfast bottle and solid food
8.50am-10.20am morning sleep
10.45am morning tea of banana, apple and cinnamon puree
12noon lunch and bottle
2.40pm-4pm afternoon sleep
5pm dinner and bottle
6.40pm-10.30pm asleep in the car on our way home
10.30pm-11.35pm cried and cried. Changed nappy and gave another bottle to
calm and sooth
13DEC - 5.45am awake
Noah is taking 200ml of formula four times a day and each solid feed is around 100-150gms depending on whether or not he is hungry.
It could be teeth, he quite distinctly has two teeth still coming through. Could it be his ears? A friend suggested we take him to the DR to check on his ears as maybe swimming or the pool has given him an ear infection. Turns out that the DR could not see either ear drum as they were blocked with wax - yuck! Papa has not wanted to over clean Noah's ears so they have been getting done once a month, this obviously has to be looked at. So, is it his ears causing discomfort and that is why every time we now lay him in his cot he turns into the devil child? My poor darling, I wish I spoke baby, tell me what is wrong!!! We have been dropping olive oil into his ears twice daily in the hope of softening the wax and we are headed back to the DR tomorrow for a follow up and if there is no improvement I am demanding they do something for him. So perhaps it is simply a combination of teething, sore ears & summer heat causing our angel to be so restless. One glimmer of hope though, he slept through again last night!
Gina Ford Contented Baby Routine,
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Meeting Great Grandparents
It truly was a wonderful three days and I am grateful that Noah has finally met his great grandparents. I am planning another visit early in the new year, January hopefully. By this time (fingers crossed) Noah will be back to his happyily contented sleeping soundly through the night self...this is another post!
Commercial Surrogacy,
Gay Dads,
great grandparents
Sunday, December 5, 2010
A Day of Firsts
We woke this morning as we normally do. Rising just before 7am to Noah babbling to himself in his cot. Daddy didn't start work today until after 10am so we had breakfast together; Noah his morning bottle and weet bix and Daddy & Papa their coffee.
Papa was playing with NoNo on the lounge room floor and then the bite. Papa was letting Noah blow raspberries on his cheeks and suck his chin and nose and ouch! Teeth! Two teeth appeared overnight. The bottom middle two teeth on the bottom gum line. It was so exciting and I hurriedly ran to share this milestone with Daddy. Our boy has teeth! Now, I won't be able to take a photo just yet as they are teeny tiny on the gum line and trying to see them ourselves is a mammoth task so just imagine what it will be like trying to pry open your baby son's mouth long enough to capture that all important shot. For that photo update, watch this space.

We had another first today; Noah's first birthday party. I was so excited to open an email last week and find that at seven months and 24 days Noah had his first birthday invite. We both enjoyed the morning spent at Leo's 2nd birthday and we played party games and pass the parcel. One of Leo's mums made the most beautiful bib for NoNo that was his gift in pass the parcel. It is a little tight around his neck so when an extended is added, I'll blog the photo. It
is truly wonderful! So we have had a wonderful Sunday and a great day of firsts. Of course every day with our little wonder has many firsts but these two I though deserved special mention.
Papa was playing with NoNo on the lounge room floor and then the bite. Papa was letting Noah blow raspberries on his cheeks and suck his chin and nose and ouch! Teeth! Two teeth appeared overnight. The bottom middle two teeth on the bottom gum line. It was so exciting and I hurriedly ran to share this milestone with Daddy. Our boy has teeth! Now, I won't be able to take a photo just yet as they are teeny tiny on the gum line and trying to see them ourselves is a mammoth task so just imagine what it will be like trying to pry open your baby son's mouth long enough to capture that all important shot. For that photo update, watch this space.

We had another first today; Noah's first birthday party. I was so excited to open an email last week and find that at seven months and 24 days Noah had his first birthday invite. We both enjoyed the morning spent at Leo's 2nd birthday and we played party games and pass the parcel. One of Leo's mums made the most beautiful bib for NoNo that was his gift in pass the parcel. It is a little tight around his neck so when an extended is added, I'll blog the photo. It

Friday, November 26, 2010
Noah's Six & Seven Month Update
The above paragraph has been in 'drafts' for weeks now and I have come to the realisation that even though I may not blog as often I like, what's the point of worrying; que sera sera. I love Doris Day too! The purpose of this blog is two fold really. It is a resource for other intending parents to use when planning their own family through surrogacy overseas and it is for our son. I want Noah to have this blog, our thoughts, feelings and emotions to look over and have when he is older. From India With Lo
ve will become a book for he & us to share and read together. A gift from his parents detailing our journey to his birth and the first twelve months of life with his Daddy and Papa. I don't yet know if I will continue blogging after Noah turns 1; what will be will be, right!. The past two months have been as always filled with many great adventures, shared laughter, tears and a few sleepless nights! Noah, Papa, Grandma and Aunty Becky travelled west to the country town of Dubbo. Affectionately known as the Paris of the west in our family. It was for a family wedding that we travelled here and it was officially Noah's first wedding! Je t'aime Duboo! The drive from where we live to Dubbo is just over four hours and Noah slept the entire way. He is the perfect, contented baby (thanks Gina Ford)! We arrived at our destination and the cute cottage we rented for the weekend escape. By the time we unpacked the car and were indoors it was around 11pm. Noah decided to wake up on
our arrival and not to sleep in his travel cot. Grandma tried keeping Noah happy while Papa unpacked the mountain and I mean MOUNTAIN of luggage that is now required for a simple two night get away. It was then left to Papa to relax his little one and ensure his safe boarding on the 'sleepy train' for another night. After two hours I gave in and in the end Noah spent the weekend sleeping in the queen size bed with Papa. Other than this minor blemish on an otherwise perfect sleep routine, we had a fun weekend and enjoyed seeing our extended family and had a grea
t night at cousin Em's wedding. She was the perfect blushing bride and looked beautiful! We have also spent time enjoying picnics with friends and their children as the weather finally warms up and Noah just loves being around other kids. He really is fascinated by them and they seem to enjoy being with him too. Tans and Trent who are close friends living nearby to us and their three children Mason, Mischa and Sienna just love being around 'Bubba Noah' and they are all so beautiful and gentle with him. We're just so excited to see them interact and look forward to them growing older and spending more time together. Once a month the Sydney members of the Gay Dads Australia Support group meet for a catch up. Usually it is a picnic or we meet at a park or children's play
centre depending on the weather.

Our family have been to one get together since Noah was born and decided this month to return to Sydney for a planned picnic. We have been waiting for Noah to recover from his seemingly never ending cold and the warm weather to join us. Papa, Daddy and Noah hopped in the car, provisions on the ready and headed to Sydney. Turns out that Papa was not as prepared as he first though he was. We arrived at Pyrmont and I had forgotten the address of the meeting point. I also did not have any contact numbers and could access my email from my phone. We did try three separate parks in and around Pyrmont but in the end had our own private picnic
just the three of us and enjoyed the afternoon sun relaxing on our blanky playing with our little boy. Noah and daddy have started swimming lessons together and our little one has taken to the water like the proverbial duck. We thought this would be the case as bath time has ended up with Papa on his hands and knees drying not only the floor of the bathroom but the hand basin, walls and toilet which end up covered in water from our son, he just loves it. Swimming lessons are meant to be a weekly occurrence, every Friday morning. A quick trip in the car after Noah's morning sleep and lunch to our local swim centre and a 30 minute lesson or thereabouts. But as you all know, the best laid plans....Having been so sick we have missed a few weeks and can you b
elieve that if you miss more than two you need a DR certificate to make up the classes! Perhaps due to the fact that they are paid for in advance and only operate during the school term. Noah's last lesson for the year will be the 17th December but I know that Daddy and Papa are going to continue taking him to our local pool during summer. We have a beautiful pool located in a wonderful bush setting, with shady trees, it is so peaceful. There is plenty of soft grass to relax on with a summer evening picnic and we can enjoy balmy nights and a refreshing swim! We are still waiting on Noah's first tooth to appear and thought we were there a few weeks ago. There was a tiny white speck on the bottom gum line that had Papa convinced a tooth was moments a
way and then...gone. Noah will be 8 months old in 12 days time so it can't be too far away. There is an 8 month old girl in Noah's swim group that already has three of her teeth; two on the bottom and one on top and it is utterly adorable! Noah does seem to be drooling more and more every day combined with chomping down on anything put in his mouth and rubbing his gums. I am told, these are the signs a tooth or teeth are not far away! We have had Noah to our local GP a few times these past two months for his six month immunisations, general check ups and also to a paediatric opthomologist. Noah weighs just over 9 kg & you sure can tell when you pick him up! The very top of both of Noah's iris have a tiny crescent moon spec of white which you can see the colour of his iris through. Of course being first time parents and wanting to be safe rather than sorry, we booked an appointment months ago and saw the specialist recently. It turns out to be nothing of concern which is wonderful news. It was explained that the tiny spec of white is hypo-pigmentation an
d does not have any affect at all on his eyesight. We were at the specialists rooms for close to three hours and the full eye check up was around two hours duration...$200 later, thank you for coming. Noah has been expanding his culinary world this month. As well as enjoying the deliciousness of HEINZ progress formula, STAGE II four times daily, Noah is now enjoying the following home made delights: Stewed Apple, Pear & Blueberry / Pumpkin, Carrot, Zucchini & Quinoa / Pumpkin, Carrot, Zucchini & Sweet Potato / Stewed Apple / Sweet Potato & Avocado. We have recently also introduced KIDS Weet Bix for breakfast mixed with some formula and mashed banana which Noah simply adores and it turns out so does Daddy! Papa has yet to venture down the road of giving it a try as the smell of the formula is enough to discourage me, but it seems not Daddy! Noah is now also enjoying a morning and afternoon snack of some fresh fruit of which our favourites are: Blueberries that have first been peeled and slightly mooshed by Daddy or Papa, Peach pieces (ditto peeling & mooshing) & Mashed Banana. Our little one certainly has
developed a palate for veggies and fruit for which we are thankful. We have had to resort to some store bought food now and then as travelling with home made food is not always practical or possible but thankfully there is an abundant choice of organic baby food on the market and the variety is not too shaby either so we make do. We recently returned to Melbourne for four wonderful days catching up with our friends Jarrad, Michael and their truly beautiful son Reid. As always we had an amazing time & only wished our visit had been longer. We rented a private apartment decorated in the French Provincial style which was perfect for us Francophiles. Anyone who has been to our mountain home will attest to the fact that we are BIG lovers of French style. Complete with kitchen and laundry facilities it was simply...divine and a perfect pied a terre on the outskirts of Melbourne CDB for the three of us. We enjoyed a lovely day trip to Daylesford with the boys enjoying lunch, coffee and the array of gift shops in this pictures
que town. The remainder of our time was spent enjoying great company, meeting new friends and the delights of delicious food and superb wine. Not to forget the deluxe edition of scrabble. My newest favourite board game. We always love visiting Melbourne and our dear, dear friends and eagerly await the next time we're together again. Did I mention to you however our pram was misplaced by a certain domestic airline? We arrived into Melbourne Tullamarine nice and early so as to avoid afternoon peak hour. Jarrad had agreed to meet us at the airport and we disembarked ready for our four days of relaxation. Baggage carousel number two had our luggage ready and waiting. We then head on over to the oversize baggage counter and wait. Noah happily chatting to himself and Daddy & Papa commenting how quick we always seem to get our luggage when we fly. This dear reader was our fatal mistake, the Achilles heel of this trip. Wait until you have all your luggage before praising your chosen airline you have just flown with. Other guests prams, surf boards, baby seats, appliances and God knows what
else they had packaged into boxes, eskys and the like were being dropped off at a cracking pace. But not our pram. Ever the optimist, I was convinced it would be next to arrive. Now, when we departed Sydney airport we checked our one and only pram at the gate and this is where we made our first fatal mistake which destined our pram to the abyss of missing luggage. Darren laughed out loud to himself that wouldn't it be funny if we arrived and there was no pram. Funny? One is not amused! Having handed over our boarding pass' we are assured by the staff checking our flight that all would be OK and our pram would be in Melbourne with us when we arrived. We then board the aircraft and are now blissfully unaware of what drama lay ahead of us and the fate of Noah's Princely Carriage! Back to Melbourne and forty minutes or so later and still no pram. The next flight arriving had begun to have their luggage pass by on carousel number two, it was then we raised our concern with the airlines dedicated ground staff and discovered that yes, the airline had lost our pram. In fact there was no record of the pram even leaving Sydney or the whereabouts of it's current location. Even a phone call to the gate and staff there failed to reveal an answer. Our pra
m went awol. Not happy would be an understatement! I completed the mandatory lost item form, gave my contact number to the airline staff member and hoped for the best. We had been waiting for the pram for over an hour. We then readied ourselves for peak hour traffic into the city! That night we enjoyed a wonderful BBQ and an unseasonably warm Melbourne night for the time of year and our pram woes seemed to be a distant memory. It wasn't until after a few glasses of deliciously sweet bubbles I realised I had missed a call from the airline. I phoned back but of course no answer after hours. We did eventually get our pram back. The same night we arrived in fact, around 11.30pm. We do not know the details of the sordid adventure it had but we are glad she returned to us.
Commercial Surrogacy,
Egg Donor,
Gay Dads,
India Surrogacy,
Surrogacy India
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